Monday, April 13, 2020

Week 33

Hello all!

I hope you are all surviving the craziness of the word right now. The shelter in place order here in Montana is now extended… are we surprised? Not in the slightest! Things have been okay in isolation… we could be in worse situations, right? It is just such an odd, surreal experience. I was talking to a friend today, and the way she explained things was great:

”I feel like this whole year has just been a giant blur of events and nothing makes sense anymore.”

YES. 5 billion times yes. Did I imagine myself being suddenly sent home for 10 weeks after the MTC? Being reassigned to Montana? Did I imagine life as we know it (and worldwide!) being entirely flipped upside down only 7 months into my mission, making missionary work into something entirely different than we have ever faced before? What about going 5 weeks without the sacrament? Not even once did any of that cross my mind.

The people in our little town are not very responsive to online communication let alone online lessons. Both Sister Lewis and I are not very tech savvy, nor are we naturally inclined in the area of social media and other means of online influence. It sometimes feels pointless to still be out here, BUT (sorry to be a bit negative, but I wanted to say how it is! Here comes the positive...) so many have sacrificed for us to be able to serve as missionaries, to have the fullness of the gospel and to be able to freely share it, let alone have a portion of our lives dedicated solely to His work and His glory!

Things have been improving though,with the work! I am slowly getting to know the people we are working with. It is so hard to keep track without having met or even seen these individuals in person. I am excited to figure out this puzzle of missionary work that we have right now!

We are still out here for a reason and I believe that to be one of great importance. The Lord is aware of where He places His servants and knows what they are each dealing with. He trusts us! It is mind boggling to me that the Lord chooses to trust us, when He KNOWS that we are weak and imperfect. Remember, the Lord has confidence in you, so HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM.

What we are all doing right now --not just missionaries-- may not seem very grand or important, but we are making history here! The pioneers probably didn't feel all that special when they walked and walked and walked. Well, it's the same kind of thing for us in isolation! In both situations, it seems tedious --an unimportant detail. Not so! This is a unique time full of new opportunities that we haven't had before! When has the world slowed down and given everyone time to be with family, time to study, pray, ponder, and more as long and deeply as we want to? We can build our personal and family foundations in the gospel more deeply and in new ways!

I encourage you to focus on spiritual opportunities rather than on the current and coming physical difficulties. Jesus often removed himself from the people for a time to spiritually regenerate and commune with His Father. If we will all use this time to build up our spiritual power, when eventually “unleashed”, we will teach with “power and the Spirit of prophesy.” Whenever Satan kicks at the Lord's work, he kicks it UP. We will see the Lord turn this adversity of the moment to His good. Take this time to build spiritual foundations! We will be so blessed by having more opportunity to do so, and especially by taking advantage of this time! I personally don't want to look back at this time and have regrets, wishing I'd done things differently. Let's all dwell in the present moment. Make each moment meaningful and purposeful!

Alma 8:31-32
     And they had power given unto them, insomuch that they could not be confined in dungeons; neither was it possible that any man could slay them; nevertheless they did not exercise their power until they were bound in bands and cast into prison. Now, this was done that the Lord might show forth his power in them.
      And it came to pass that they went forth and began to preach and to prophesy unto the people, according to the spirit and power which the Lord had given them.

I hope you all were able to have a unique and meaningful Easter Sabbath, despite the current challenges♡

My heart and prayers go out to you all!
Sister Alger

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