Monday, March 16, 2020

Week 29

Oh man, my week has been WACK.

Almost all of our appointments have been cancelling on us and people are going crazy... As I am sure you are all quite aware heheh. We heard that there was a show-down at Costco with some lady and an old lady fighting for the last pack of toilet paper! Yikes. Also, apparently someone was robbed of every inch of their apartment! The toilet paper, towels, bedding, dishes, EVERYTHING. What on earth people?

Anyway, enough of that! We had to run around and try to find supplies for an emergency box of food and supplies to be kept in every missionary apartment from now on. Luckily we had help --and by help, I mean a LOT of help!-- from our ward members, so we are set.

It has been hard to have all this craziness at the beginning of the transfer. It has made getting to know the people and area quite a challenge, but it is all the more interesting I s'pose!

Despite everything being up in the air, this has definitely been a great opportunity to bond with my companion. It felt so weird not to have church or the sacrament yesterday, but we had a wonderful session of church / studies together. Come Follow Me has really prepared us all for times like these! We are home-centered for a reason (many reasons at that) and self-sufficient if need be. And it is quite needed at this point in time! It's wonderful that we have a living prophet who guides us so we don't have to worry in crazy times like now... food storage, home centered church, hope and faith, and unity and support

Missionaries are being sent home left and right and we are receiving missionaries left and right from all sorts of foreign places. We found out just now that all elders at 21 months or more will be sent home at the end of this or the next transfer. Our hearts are broken in two… The mission will suffer a great loss in numbers, but more importantly, in honorable, hardworking missionaries. We will have to make what we can out of this last bit we have, although we may be in quarantine.On a lighter note, we got two new elders in our district toda! They were serving in Mongolia, came home for self isolation for 14 days, and then got reassigned to Montana! We played card games and got to know Elder Coffey and Elder Tanner, they are awesome humans!

Here are some spiritual thoughts I have had this week:

This crazy situation we're in with the Corona Virus and everything shutting down could be incredible for building the foundations of the Lord's people!

Mosiah 27:13
..."the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people."

It is only His people that can destroy His church.

If you think about it, most of those who attack the church -- that cause any lasting disputes or damage -- have often been a part of the church before or still are. Therefore, it is of immense importance and urgency that we work with each other and help every single member of Christ’s church become TRULY converted to the HIM -- rather than converted to other members, leaders, the organization of the church, or anything else other than Christ Himself!

Jacob 4:15-16
..."by the stumbling of the [Lord's people] they will reject the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation.
     But behold, according to the scriptures, this stone shall become the great, and the last, and the only sure foundation, upon which [we] can build."

HE is the only sure and safe foundation upon which we can build! Let's help strengthen the foundation of those of the Lord's church, as well as our own in the process.

President Nelson has said:
" coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.
     My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation."

 There was an awesome discussion with Elder David A. Bednar on revelation recently. I have listened to it multiple times, it is seriously perspective (and life) changing! My invitation to you all is to study this discussion and to apply it to your individual lives. It is utterly important that we understand the GIft of the Holy Ghost and how the Lord communicates to us through it.

Here’s a link, I also have an audio file saved to my phone that I can share directly with anyone if you'd rather.

SOOO much love and care for you all. Seriously, I pray and think about you often. Be safe physically and spiritually my loved ones!

💛 Sister Alger

My new area, The Heights in Billings
We are up on the plateau.

Love Monday chats with these crazy guys!

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