Wednesday, July 31, 2019

MTC Week 5

Sziasztok világ!

There are less than three weeks until I arrive at the Hungary, Budapest airport! But who’s counting?? This week seems to have been the most spiritually inspiring and uplifting yet. The schedule is practically the same every day, yet the state of my heart and mind are continually shifting. I was talking with the sisters in my district last night (McCormick Novér, Robertson Novér, and my companion Tyler Novér) and they said that it seems to get harder everyday to write in their personal journals. They feel that it’s the same everyday! I expressed that the schedules are consistent for sure but for me, the feelings, thoughts, and emotions I experience each day are so different! That’s why I can’t seem to stop writing in my journal. The way I connect with others and with the Spirit is different everyday. Honestly, I think those things are the most important anyway! I like to capture the little moments or quotes throughout the day that touch my heart, or have an impact on me. It is so important to be able to record each detail that stands out, because in the future we will be able to go back to them and REMEMBER. We are forgetful creatures, and when we face difficult or trying times, we need to remember the moments we felt and understood the Spirit. We need to remember the times we went through difficulties and overcame them and more! Through record keeping we can better preserve our testimonies, and keep our most sacred experiences close to our hearts. We will be able to touch the lives of those who come after us! Most importantly, we will be able to show God how precious His influence in our lives is and that we can be trusted with more.

As I feel I have mentioned before, something I’ve been focusing on in the MTC is recognizing the Spirit’s promptings and understanding how God speaks to me individually. I have come to know even more so of the importance of intentionally carving out time for spiritual renewal daily. This is why exact obedience to mission rules and schedules is so vital (and this applies to the commandments and simple truths of God)! Being diligent, organized, and meaningful in each gospel study allows for the Spirit to be with us stronger than before. As we invite the Spirit into our lives, we must be willing to act at the first prompting with NO HESITATION. At times the impressions we receive may seem odd or silly, but rationalizing or over thinking will only cause doubt. If you feel impressed to do good, it is of God! I’m sure we all have heard something like “There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone.” While I love that quote, I have recently heard another spin on that subject that touched me in a new way: “Get out of your comfort zone and get into the Comforter’s zone.” Wow, does that change the whole perspective! It creates a focus on Christ in this matter. Following the guidance of the Spirit can lead to discomfort at times, but if we remember to reach out of ourselves --out of our comfort zone-- and into the Comforter’s zone, His arms will be wrapped around us in support. The discomfort we feel in this life no longer matters when we are centered on Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something! We cannot try to be invisible to the world and truly serve the Lord simultaneously. Lastly, it is essential to write down impressions and experiences as they’re fresh! “Knowledge recorded is knowledge available in times of need.” -- Michelle D. Craig. 

My challenges to you:

1. Read the October 2007 General conference talk "O Remember, Remember" by Henry B. Eyring on this topic, it is incredible. It is helping me in my pursuit of the Spirit and I know it will do the same for you.

2. As you come across difficulties or struggles, ask this of yourselves: “Do I have faith in Jesus Christ?” In the end, that is what matters. Have faith and rely on Him. This is His work and what He wants to get done will happen. In relation to this, I have learned that the gift of tongues is not necessarily the gift to be able to say what I want to say, but what the Lord wants me to say. He knows what His children need. As I work to bring the Hungarian people closer to Him, and open my mouth, He will fill it with the words that they need to hear. Success is measured by diligence and dedication to the Lord, not by how you feel about the outcomes, or lack thereof.

Szeretlek titeket!
Alger Novér 

-- Sister Alger

We were on a rooftop doing a Book of Mormon and testimony share 
and Tyler Novér decided to take pics (:

I was cold, so I was saying my morning prayer under my blankets… maybe not such a good idea because my companion found me asleep like this!
I had to restart my prayer standing up and facing the cold, heheh.

We needed to have a picture with all of the district and our teachers! We hadn’t gotten one with Durney Testver yet. He’s all the way on the right. We LOVE our teachers!

This is a view from the 4th floor of the T4 building on Sunday morning when Tyler Novér 
and I were doing personal study before sacrament meeting. 

Cute Tyler Novér looking through her notes in personal study.

I was trying to get a picture of the board and this is what happened heheh 
Silly Allred Elder and Robertson Novér 

My companion and I were so happy on our way to the Sunday night devotional, 
we wanted to take a picture! I love Tyler Novér (:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MTC Week 4

Hello there my dearest family and friends!

This is the halfway mark until my departure to Hungary! Jo ég! So much has happened this week. Here are a few moments that stood out to me:

The Hungarian district had an English fast (no English, only speaking Hungarian) on Saturday, we did it for almost 9 hours! I didn’t even know I could do that. The reason we didn’t go all day is because Squire Testvér had us speak in English for spiritual moments in class, and having gospel discussions. I think he could tell we had a long week that wore us out, and that we needed spiritual refreshment. Our teachers are amazing and I can’t express it enough!

Yesterday, my companion, Tyler Nővér ROCKED our lesson! She was saying things I didn’t even know she knew how to say in Hungarian, and without any help from notes! She wasn’t perfect though. She paused, searched her mind  for the right words, and stumbled occasionally. Even with that, she had me so impressed, I think I almost fell out of my chair (not really, but close heheh)! The fact the she was so bold as to leave behind the fear of messing up, or finding herself at a loss for words, was incredible. She demonstrated some of the most important things in learning a foreign language at the MTC: Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, or sounding dumb, and trust in the Lord’s power and guidance through the Spirit and the gift of tongues. I truly look up to her and plan to do more of the same myself!

Tuesday nights are amazing! I am in the choir and this week we performed “Hurrah for Israel” for the devotional. Brother Egget is our director, he always has impactful messages to share with us missionaries. Some golden thoughts he shared last night included:

 “I don’t care where you’re going, there is someone prepared. Pray for all those who are ready to be found, and not just by you, but by any missionary. Your prayers can be answered through others.” and “If you go on “YOUR” mission, and do “YOUR” work, very little will get done. Go on A mission, and do HIS work.”

For the devotional Tuesday, we had the privilege of hearing Allan F. Packer and his wife speak. Here are some of their messages that stood out to me:

“The most important investigators of the gospel that you will ever teach, are your own children.”  Missions prepare us for far more than “typical” missionary work. They prepare us for life! They prepare us for our future families!

“The testimony you have today will not be the same testimony you have tomorrow, of any other day. It’ll either grow, or diminish.” Here’s a great analogy Allred Elder gave to support this: “Our testimonies are like walking on a treadmill. If you don’t do anything, you’ll go backwards and eventually fall off, if you do the bare minimum you’ll remain in the same spot, and if you work hard you’ll move forward.” Don’t ever hold back because you think you don’t have enough! Sharing is how our testimonies grow!

I know I’ve probably expressed this a number of times, but the MTC really has been quite an experience! I felt calm and sure the first week or so, knowing I was new and would need to work hard to adjust to the packed schedule and different lifestyle. Our minds and hearts must be fully committed and focused on our missionary purpose which is: “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.” Every ounce of our studies and efforts must be consecrated unto the Lord, as we are His servants.

This past week I have definitely felt less sure and calm heheh. I know that there are discouraging and trying times while serving a mission, as there are in all of life. I have felt the pull of the adversary everyday, some days more than others. Hungarian is not the easiest language, but any language would be difficult to learn in 8 weeks! I know that I have the authority and call directly from God to teach the people of Hungary. I know that I have love and support from you all. What do I have to worry about!

The only way to remain faithful and strong throughout a mission and throughout all of life, is to build testimony and conversion, and to rely on Him. In order to do such, we must always search for more knowledge and experiences to build our testimonies, consistently act and live in accordance to the knowledge and beliefs added to our testimonies, and remember Jesus Christ in every moment, every aspect, and every detail of our beings.

I chose to serve a full-time mission and to be a missionary. I still choose it, EVERYDAY. I will give all I can and gain all I can, cherishing every moment. There is no other opportunity in life such as serving a mission -- to be entirely dedicated to the work of the Lord, studying His word constantly, and unashamedly proclaiming His love, light, and truth in every moment possible. For those currently serving, remember why you chose to serve a mission, and why you choose to be a missionary again every day. For those who want to follow Christ, remember why you chose to follow Him, and why you want to choose so again every day.


As a follower of Christ (and as a missionary), ask yourself:

Are you genuinely committed?

Do you fully intend to fulfill your commitment(s)?

Have you made an unwavering and earnest decision to change and become devoted to Christ and dedicated to His gospel?

If we can’t or won’t dedicate, refine, and focus, ourselves NOW, how can we expect that to happen later? Why wait? Start preparing and creating yourself now! Think about it, Christ made it possible for us to restart and progress at any moment we decide to, through His Atoning sacrifice and pure love. Every moment is a new opportunity if you chose it. Remember that the Doctrine of Christ is a circular process which occurs every day. This is why we sometimes feel as though we’re not progressing, but we are! The natural man is difficult to break out of. As we gain new knowledge and experiences in life, each time we go through necessary repetition, we are able to see new perspectives, and further refine ourselves.

With all of my love,

Alger Nővér

When things become difficult, keep moving forward! Stay alive! Spiritual CPR: Church, Pray, Read! Remember we are commanded to endure to the end, but don’t forget to ENJOY TO THE END!

I love this treeee hahah

We have so many silly moments with our awesome district. 
Here’s an example from Zirker Elder rocking his spoon shades, heheh.

I love love LOVE my companion Tyler Nővér! 

This is us in front of the construction zone, where did the buildings go??

Feeling silly

My companion is cute!

This is a lovely map that Squire Testvér drew for us of Hungary and all of the mission areas. 

I LOVE MY DISTRICT!! This is a group pic we took after we quickly had a little district talent show at a piano. When they made me play piano for them I was shaking with nervousness, and conveniently had a full bladder at the time (sarcasm intended). It was amazing, and Gibbons Elder had to strike a pose for the first pic heheh. Good times!

The mountains and clouds were looking so pretty, I had to snap a shot!

Tyler Nővér offered to take a pic with me in the beautiful scenery for my Ma heheh. 
I’m sure she appreciates her thoughtfulness, my Ma loves pictures.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

MTC Week 3

My dearest family and friends,

First off, I want to thank those of you who have written me, supported me, loved me, and been there for me as I have begun this new adventure. I appreciate your thoughts, testimonies, prayers, and uplifting insights. How blessed I am to have you all in my life!  And thank you for believing in me.

How has it been three weeks already? It feels as though I barely arrived and at the same time, it feels as though I've been here for an eternity! What wonderful experiences I have had these past few weeks, my mind has had a difficult time turning itself off at night. As I often say, I could do so much more if I didn’t have to sleep!

I love Hungarian!!! Learning a language is incredible! Not only are we learning the language of Hungarian, but the language of the Spirit as well. The Spirit of the Lord communicates to each of us in unique ways. It is incredibly important that we take the time to seek out and learn what language the Spirit uses to speak to each of us.  I hope to be tri-lingual by the time I get home, not just bilingual! I love love LOVE reading the A Mormon Könyve ( the Book of Mormon, in Hungarian), and of course out loud! I plan to read it cover to cover as soon as possible! It IS so interesting the way that gospel messages are portrayed in other languages, as they don’t translate directly, and it creates new perspectives!

Tuesday night devotional, was about 10 ways to be a happy and successful missionary. It hit home for my district and I. It  answered some of our individual questions. We had a district discussion after the devotional, which is one of my absolute favorite things we do throughout the week! Everyone shares what stood out to them, as well as their sweet and powerful testimonies. It is amazing how close we have come to each other, knowing that we can share anything with each other. This is something that many of them talked about in the end, how they know they can go to each other for strength, love, and support. McAffee Elder said the closing prayer and thanked God for each of us by name. That is a moment I will never forget, it caught me by surprise, and it was so powerful and touching. Hungary is lucky to be getting missionaries like the Elders and Sisters I have come to know.

One thing that stood out to me was that we need to be preparing to come home faithful and converted unto the Lord for our whole lives. We need to keep the good habits and ways of being we discover and develop on our missions. Also, all of the commitments and challenges we share with investigators and members, we need to be committed to living ourselves, and not just on the mission, but for life!! Ahhh I loveeeee the MTC!!

My Uncle Gavin shared this scripture with me.1 Cor 10:13, "God...will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." I love this! We do have such power! We need only realize it, as well as realize where it comes from, that being God. Everything we experience in this life is specially designed for our growth and development. D&C 122:7 "...all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good."

The range of daily emotions, thoughts, experiences, and more, is huge. Time feels so different in the MTC; Fast and slow all at once! Each day seems to have it's own challenges, while simultaneously being filled with such Spirit and love. There are days with more struggles than others, but everyday is full of so many amazing experiences, and people I have grown to love with all my heart. Hmmm, well there have been some interesting experiences actually, like my filling falling out of my tooth while flossing.

The longer I am here, the more worldly cares fade away. Many times I wonder why I had the struggles I had before the MTC. The things that seemed to matter so much before, now seem so trivial, and it’s only been 3 weeks. I want to hold on to all that I have learned and will continue to learn as I serve. I don’t want to lose any of it when I come home. I want to build on it for the rest of my life. I want every experience I have to change me for the better. I want to give my will to our Father and be in His hands forever.

All my love!
Alger Nővér

Tyler Nővér sketches quite often, and is quite the artist! I love it! 

These first two are sketches she did of me… ah so sweet of her, and so cute! 

These are sketches of each of our Hungarian teachers, Hopwood Nővér, Durney Testvér, and Squire Testvér. Our amazing Elderek got everyone to sign cards for our beloved teachers, and this is how Tyler Nővér shows her appreciation. 

This is a view of workers demolishing the SUPER old buildings right next to us.You can see my class in the window’s reflection heheh. We’re on the 5th floor of the oldest buildings currently in use. The elevator was super sketchy… it’d make loud noises and shake when in use. Yeahhh, it’s completely broken now and won’t be fixed for at least 4 weeks! Always keepin’ it interesting with the Hungarians heheh, fun stuff!

I love these flowers! I see them everyday when walking to and from class. The MTC is covered in flowers and plants, its beautiful (even though there’s construction going on everywhere haha).

This is a view of “Y” mountain from a little study area Tyler Nővér and I like to use in our old building. I love Utah’s mountains!

This is a nice view of the construction, mountains, and Provo Temple from another secret study spot my companion and I like. That pile of junk used to be a big 5 story building!

Ahhh, this painting is amazing. 
It holds a special place in my heart as we have our own copy hanging in our family room at home. (:

Okay, so this is all during class this Tuesday when we were taking turns teaching an interested person in Hungarian. Those of us waiting for our turn were doing a unique mixture of studying and some form of pictionary heheh. It was great! Gibbons Elder was the star of the show with his out-of-this-world drawing skills. 

I couldn’t help but join in… so I drew a hand turkey, yes, like from 1st grade.

Zirker Elder (our AMAZING district leader) had to join in on the drawing fun too!

Who knows what we drew on the whiteboard, that’s up to individual interpretation. We had too much fun! I think as time goes by, each day we’re more and more easily entertained hahah!

Tuesday was Robertson Nővér’s 20th birthday! She’s right in the middle on McCormick Nővér’s back. All of the Sisters on our floor of the residence sang happy birthday to her and had a mini celebration. Some of us were already in our pj’s heheh. It is honestly mind-blowing how incredibly loving and supportive our MTC family is. I love everyone with all of my heart! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

MTC Week 2

Dearest friends and family,

This second week has definitely been more of a challenge than the first week! I felt so amazing, so empowered, and so happy all the time, that I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me! Don’t get me wrong, the second week was just as wonderful and spiritual as before, and even more so I would say. But, the adversary knows that I am working with all of my soul to come closer to Christ, and to prepare to do His work in Hungary. This happens any time we work hard to do what is right, to come closer to God, and begin to understand more of what God has in store for us. Think of Joseph Smith, he was seeking the truth and went right to the source; God. The adversary (being Satan) did his best to stop him from receiving an answer. Whenever we are facing opposition, know that you are on the right path, and that God is with you. Mark 9:23-24 “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief” He can even help strengthen your belief, if you have a desire to believe and come unto Him.

 My experience at the MTC is helping me realize that my purpose as a missionary is to be the Lord’s instrument in bringing His children closer to Christ. My hard work and preparation is not so much about me as it is the Lord, and those whom I will teach, serve, and love in Hungary and the MTC. I know that teaching by the guidance of the Lord’s Spirit is the MOST important thing to provide for the needs of others and to touch their hearts. To teach by the Spirit, we must always be learning OF Him (as opposed to ABOUT Him) and SEEKING Him actively. I know that I must fully rely upon the Lord and His Spirit to fulfill the needs of those in Hungary and those around me right now. YOU can touch so many of the lives around you, pray to know what more you can do, pray to be guided to those in need. The MTC has helped me further my testimony in that I must let go of any thoughts of myself. I simply cannot succeed as a missionary, and WE simply cannot succeed in life, if we allow ourselves to be held back from the divine potential the Lord has in store for each of us. I know that we will all be able to make more of our lives, and become more as individuals through consistent efforts to reach out to the Lord. I know that through consistent, and exact obedience to the Lord’s commands, including the mission handbook, and rules, I can have an even deeper conversion than I have ever had before, and through that, become the missionary the Lord wants me to be.

Quote of the week:
“The first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life.”
--Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Remember the first and great commandment to love God, and remember that YOU are loved more than you could ever imagine by your Heavenly Parents, and by Christ. I would invite you all to reflect on that. How does that make you feel? Do you know that you are loved? Find out. Pray. Search. Ponder. Then, I would ask you just as I am asking myself; How can you better show YOUR love for your Heavenly Parents?

With all of my love,
Alger Nővér

I LOVE HOWARD LYON! I found this piece of his in the S1 building of the MTC, near the dining hall, and I think it’s the original painting too! My companion and I were staring at it and the brushstrokes and the vibrant colors and everything! It's titled From Fear to Faith.

This was on Sunday the 7th, our district wanted a picture with our Hungarian flag while it was up! They rotate through all of the flag of countries where we have missionaries serving (at least that’s what I’m assuming!).

The next  are all from right after my fun dentist appointment on Monday! The whole left half of my face was numb and dysfunctional. I thought it was WAYYY hilarious, my companion is very kind and pretends that I’m not insane heheh. Oh and uh I guess yáll needed some dysfunctional face + double chin pics in your lives, so there you go!


THIS...This is a picture of the best food I’ve ever had at the MTC yet! It’s pesto chicken, with roasted potatoes, squash, and zucchini, a yummy salad which I forgot the name of heheh, and then broccoli cheddar soup with an Indian roll. Yummy in my tummy!

Tyler Nővér agrees

This is my face when friends (or fam) send me messages hoping to chat. I can read them but not respond… sadnesses  (I love to read them though! Thank you!!!)

More sadnesses

This is a painting of Jesus that’s in the entrance of my residence, I love it! There’s something so sweet and serene about the way Christ is depicted in this. Maybe it’s His facial expression, brows, or how nicely his lashes define His eyes heheh. Or maybe it’s just the color scheme. It’s an original without any signature, and I wonder if a missionary or returned missionary made it for the residence.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

MTC Week 1

Dearest family and friends,

I have LOVED my MTC experience so far! I haven’t felt stressed or worried, in fact I have felt great peace, comfort, and love here. I feel as though I was made to be a missionary. I love the schedules, meetings, studies, and classes so much! I am so eager to take in everything there is, and I wish there were more time in the day so I could study longer!  Each day has a JAM PACKED schedule, and every day I wish I had more time to study scriptures, Hungarian, talks, Preach My Gospel, and on and on and on. I had a hard time going to bed at 10:30 in the beginning because I wanted to keep studying, plus, I am a relentless journal writer. If you are planning on serving a mission, I would definitely recommend mission prep classes and personal mission prepping in gospel studies, especially Preach My Gospel. I went to a good amount of mission prep for a few years, but I wish I'd gone every time! If I could have my way I’d study and have classes ALLL day in the MTC, and knowing me, probably in normal life too hahah. I want to do everything I can to be diligent in my studies, exactly obedient, and help those in my district to succeed.

I guess it's just overwhelming at times having such a packed 16 hr + day, learning so much (Hungarian and MTC/spiritual/prep etc.), running around the MTC with heavy bags and more. Everyone is so verbally supportive, loving, open, serious, etc. I know I could list more. Let me clarify, overwhelming in this context is not a negative connotation! Anything new, and in large amounts can be overwhelming. EVEN if it's wonderful!

How do I feel? "It's like you've got a fire hydrant shooting water in your face, and water is good, but you're only getting a little bit in your mouth, and it mostly just hurts your face!" I don't feel pain or anything like that I suppose, but I do want ALL of that water, and I'm getting it all at once but only able to drink so much.

MY DISTRICT... they are amazing!! I grow to love them more and more each day! There are 7  Elderek és 4 Nővérek (Elders and Sisters) in our district, and 11 is actually a LOT for Hungary, there's usually only about 6! The next one after we leave at the end of August has 13! The Lord's work in Hungary must be growing, I mean President Nelson did announce a temple in Budapest last conference! Anyway, here's the companionships in my district:  Sisters: Tyler Nővér and Myself, McCormick Nővér and Robertson Nővér. Elders: Wilson Elder, and Allred Elder, Strobel Elder and McAffee Elder, and finally, Gibbons Elder, Zirker Elder, and Eggers Elder (companionship of 3). I have a great relationship with my companion Tyler Nővér, our being companions is definitely revelation as our personalities go quite perfectly together. My district is full of incredibly powerful missionaries with strong testimonies.They're always SO full of love and support, plus they're CRAZY fun to be with in classes all day! This is just the beginning of a wonderful, 9 week long, district relationship. We have 6 hours of Hungarian class every day in two 3 hour blocks, as well as our own 90 minute language studies outside of class. Hungarian is a CRAZY language! We have progressed so much since we arrived, that being only a week ago. We can now say prayers, introductions, and testimonies! We are currently working on grammar, and in particular, conjugations. Our teachers are Squire Testvér, Durney Testvér , and Hopwood Nővér (Testvér means brother). I LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH! 

I don't know that I've ever loved this many people sooo much in only a week! I mean, I feel such love for EVERYONE here at the MTC and I feel immense love and support from all of THEM! Can you tell I'm excited? Well I am (: Some missionaries, when they realize I'm staying here for 9 weeks, say something like "Oh I feel so bad for you!", what on earth?? I love this place! Someone who was in the MTC just a month before me said that it's heaven! And let me tell you, IT IS HEAVEN! All of the grounds are dedicated to the Lord, you are surrounded entirely by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (and not just any members, MISSIONARIES!), you are constantly having classes, councils, meetings, choir (optional but I FULLY recommend it, Bro. Egget is so knowledgeable and hilarious), and devotionals, all of these being encompassed by the gospel and dedicated to the Lord. What else is closer to heaven? Well, the temple, church, and the Christ-centered home, but other than that?? Ahhh my heart is so full... and so is my mind hahah.

This week, I have been pondering how to strengthen my testimony. I've been born and raised in the gospel, and I know that I've had a testimony for my whole life. It is interesting, I don't think I could pinpoint any specific "ah-ha" moment where I gained my it, and with this being the case, it's been a struggle to figure out what I could do to build it. Through fervent prayer, diligent study, testimonies shared by others, and inspired devotionals, I believe I have found my answer...  Alma 22:18 "I will give away all my sins to know thee".

-This scripture struck me. I immediately thought of the quote “What lack I yet?”

-I asked myself; “what sins or faults am I holding onto, which keeps me from the fullness of the Lord?” I committed to praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this search.

-“The Character of Christ”, a talk given by Elder Bednar
This entire talk is AMAZING. It is all about the Character of Christ, the main messages being: Turn out, and be converted.

 -“in the depths of the greatest agony anyone will ever experience COMBINED, Christ TURNED OUT. Throughout His life He never worried about Himself, but the biggest example is when He carried out the Atonement. Instead of turning in and becoming consumed in the agony, he TURNED OUT, He worried about the one guard’s ear that the Apostle Peter cut off as they tried to take Him away, He worried about His mother and making sure she was taken care of in the event of His death, He worried about doing missionary work with the thieves hanging next to Him while on the cross, and lastly, He worried about the salvation of those who condemned Him to His death saying “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

I have faith with all of my soul that the Lord has called us to do His work; to love, to serve, and to bring others closer to Christ. I have faith that the gift of tongues is real and that we all can have access to the many gifts of the Spirit. I know with all of my being that our Savior Jesus Christ lives and that we have loving Heavenly Parents constantly watching over us, reaching out to us, and loving us more than we can ever fathom. REACH OUT, and LET THEM IN.

With love for you all,
Alger Nővér

This is my companion Tyler Nővér at dinner on our first day at the MTC 

This is one of the GORGEOUS murals in the newest MTC buildings, there are tons of them! 

This is me on the morning of my second day at the MTC, I realized I hadn’t taken a pic with my missionary tag yet!

This is our first district photo! Here’s everyone from left to right:
McAffee Elder, Strobel Elder, Gibbons Elder, Zirker Elder, Eggers Elder, Robertson Nővér, McCormick Nővér, Me, Tyler Nővér, Wilson Elder, Allred Elder
The next two is of the Nővérek (sisters) in my district! They are awesome!!

This is the Missionary Purpose in Magyar (Hungarian)

This is 3 Nefi 30:2 in A Mormon Kӧnyve, it’s one of the craziest verses in the BoM, it’s even a bit of a struggle for our instructors!  Squire Testvér says, "Read this verse everyday and it'll do wonders!" It's got CRAZY long words, and every vowel and vowel combination is used!

Our district in front of the gorgeous Parting of the Red Sea mural

Robertson Nővér had these weird jewelry things and she didn’t know what they were for,
 I figured it out… heheh

All the Nővérek joined in!

the Nővérek

Squire Testvér, and Hopwood Nővér taking a selfie with our district!