Wednesday, July 10, 2019

MTC Week 2

Dearest friends and family,

This second week has definitely been more of a challenge than the first week! I felt so amazing, so empowered, and so happy all the time, that I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me! Don’t get me wrong, the second week was just as wonderful and spiritual as before, and even more so I would say. But, the adversary knows that I am working with all of my soul to come closer to Christ, and to prepare to do His work in Hungary. This happens any time we work hard to do what is right, to come closer to God, and begin to understand more of what God has in store for us. Think of Joseph Smith, he was seeking the truth and went right to the source; God. The adversary (being Satan) did his best to stop him from receiving an answer. Whenever we are facing opposition, know that you are on the right path, and that God is with you. Mark 9:23-24 “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief” He can even help strengthen your belief, if you have a desire to believe and come unto Him.

 My experience at the MTC is helping me realize that my purpose as a missionary is to be the Lord’s instrument in bringing His children closer to Christ. My hard work and preparation is not so much about me as it is the Lord, and those whom I will teach, serve, and love in Hungary and the MTC. I know that teaching by the guidance of the Lord’s Spirit is the MOST important thing to provide for the needs of others and to touch their hearts. To teach by the Spirit, we must always be learning OF Him (as opposed to ABOUT Him) and SEEKING Him actively. I know that I must fully rely upon the Lord and His Spirit to fulfill the needs of those in Hungary and those around me right now. YOU can touch so many of the lives around you, pray to know what more you can do, pray to be guided to those in need. The MTC has helped me further my testimony in that I must let go of any thoughts of myself. I simply cannot succeed as a missionary, and WE simply cannot succeed in life, if we allow ourselves to be held back from the divine potential the Lord has in store for each of us. I know that we will all be able to make more of our lives, and become more as individuals through consistent efforts to reach out to the Lord. I know that through consistent, and exact obedience to the Lord’s commands, including the mission handbook, and rules, I can have an even deeper conversion than I have ever had before, and through that, become the missionary the Lord wants me to be.

Quote of the week:
“The first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life.”
--Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Remember the first and great commandment to love God, and remember that YOU are loved more than you could ever imagine by your Heavenly Parents, and by Christ. I would invite you all to reflect on that. How does that make you feel? Do you know that you are loved? Find out. Pray. Search. Ponder. Then, I would ask you just as I am asking myself; How can you better show YOUR love for your Heavenly Parents?

With all of my love,
Alger Nővér

I LOVE HOWARD LYON! I found this piece of his in the S1 building of the MTC, near the dining hall, and I think it’s the original painting too! My companion and I were staring at it and the brushstrokes and the vibrant colors and everything! It's titled From Fear to Faith.

This was on Sunday the 7th, our district wanted a picture with our Hungarian flag while it was up! They rotate through all of the flag of countries where we have missionaries serving (at least that’s what I’m assuming!).

The next  are all from right after my fun dentist appointment on Monday! The whole left half of my face was numb and dysfunctional. I thought it was WAYYY hilarious, my companion is very kind and pretends that I’m not insane heheh. Oh and uh I guess yáll needed some dysfunctional face + double chin pics in your lives, so there you go!


THIS...This is a picture of the best food I’ve ever had at the MTC yet! It’s pesto chicken, with roasted potatoes, squash, and zucchini, a yummy salad which I forgot the name of heheh, and then broccoli cheddar soup with an Indian roll. Yummy in my tummy!

Tyler Nővér agrees

This is my face when friends (or fam) send me messages hoping to chat. I can read them but not respond… sadnesses  (I love to read them though! Thank you!!!)

More sadnesses

This is a painting of Jesus that’s in the entrance of my residence, I love it! There’s something so sweet and serene about the way Christ is depicted in this. Maybe it’s His facial expression, brows, or how nicely his lashes define His eyes heheh. Or maybe it’s just the color scheme. It’s an original without any signature, and I wonder if a missionary or returned missionary made it for the residence.

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