Wednesday, July 3, 2019

MTC Week 1

Dearest family and friends,

I have LOVED my MTC experience so far! I haven’t felt stressed or worried, in fact I have felt great peace, comfort, and love here. I feel as though I was made to be a missionary. I love the schedules, meetings, studies, and classes so much! I am so eager to take in everything there is, and I wish there were more time in the day so I could study longer!  Each day has a JAM PACKED schedule, and every day I wish I had more time to study scriptures, Hungarian, talks, Preach My Gospel, and on and on and on. I had a hard time going to bed at 10:30 in the beginning because I wanted to keep studying, plus, I am a relentless journal writer. If you are planning on serving a mission, I would definitely recommend mission prep classes and personal mission prepping in gospel studies, especially Preach My Gospel. I went to a good amount of mission prep for a few years, but I wish I'd gone every time! If I could have my way I’d study and have classes ALLL day in the MTC, and knowing me, probably in normal life too hahah. I want to do everything I can to be diligent in my studies, exactly obedient, and help those in my district to succeed.

I guess it's just overwhelming at times having such a packed 16 hr + day, learning so much (Hungarian and MTC/spiritual/prep etc.), running around the MTC with heavy bags and more. Everyone is so verbally supportive, loving, open, serious, etc. I know I could list more. Let me clarify, overwhelming in this context is not a negative connotation! Anything new, and in large amounts can be overwhelming. EVEN if it's wonderful!

How do I feel? "It's like you've got a fire hydrant shooting water in your face, and water is good, but you're only getting a little bit in your mouth, and it mostly just hurts your face!" I don't feel pain or anything like that I suppose, but I do want ALL of that water, and I'm getting it all at once but only able to drink so much.

MY DISTRICT... they are amazing!! I grow to love them more and more each day! There are 7  Elderek és 4 Nővérek (Elders and Sisters) in our district, and 11 is actually a LOT for Hungary, there's usually only about 6! The next one after we leave at the end of August has 13! The Lord's work in Hungary must be growing, I mean President Nelson did announce a temple in Budapest last conference! Anyway, here's the companionships in my district:  Sisters: Tyler Nővér and Myself, McCormick Nővér and Robertson Nővér. Elders: Wilson Elder, and Allred Elder, Strobel Elder and McAffee Elder, and finally, Gibbons Elder, Zirker Elder, and Eggers Elder (companionship of 3). I have a great relationship with my companion Tyler Nővér, our being companions is definitely revelation as our personalities go quite perfectly together. My district is full of incredibly powerful missionaries with strong testimonies.They're always SO full of love and support, plus they're CRAZY fun to be with in classes all day! This is just the beginning of a wonderful, 9 week long, district relationship. We have 6 hours of Hungarian class every day in two 3 hour blocks, as well as our own 90 minute language studies outside of class. Hungarian is a CRAZY language! We have progressed so much since we arrived, that being only a week ago. We can now say prayers, introductions, and testimonies! We are currently working on grammar, and in particular, conjugations. Our teachers are Squire Testvér, Durney Testvér , and Hopwood Nővér (Testvér means brother). I LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH! 

I don't know that I've ever loved this many people sooo much in only a week! I mean, I feel such love for EVERYONE here at the MTC and I feel immense love and support from all of THEM! Can you tell I'm excited? Well I am (: Some missionaries, when they realize I'm staying here for 9 weeks, say something like "Oh I feel so bad for you!", what on earth?? I love this place! Someone who was in the MTC just a month before me said that it's heaven! And let me tell you, IT IS HEAVEN! All of the grounds are dedicated to the Lord, you are surrounded entirely by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (and not just any members, MISSIONARIES!), you are constantly having classes, councils, meetings, choir (optional but I FULLY recommend it, Bro. Egget is so knowledgeable and hilarious), and devotionals, all of these being encompassed by the gospel and dedicated to the Lord. What else is closer to heaven? Well, the temple, church, and the Christ-centered home, but other than that?? Ahhh my heart is so full... and so is my mind hahah.

This week, I have been pondering how to strengthen my testimony. I've been born and raised in the gospel, and I know that I've had a testimony for my whole life. It is interesting, I don't think I could pinpoint any specific "ah-ha" moment where I gained my it, and with this being the case, it's been a struggle to figure out what I could do to build it. Through fervent prayer, diligent study, testimonies shared by others, and inspired devotionals, I believe I have found my answer...  Alma 22:18 "I will give away all my sins to know thee".

-This scripture struck me. I immediately thought of the quote “What lack I yet?”

-I asked myself; “what sins or faults am I holding onto, which keeps me from the fullness of the Lord?” I committed to praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this search.

-“The Character of Christ”, a talk given by Elder Bednar
This entire talk is AMAZING. It is all about the Character of Christ, the main messages being: Turn out, and be converted.

 -“in the depths of the greatest agony anyone will ever experience COMBINED, Christ TURNED OUT. Throughout His life He never worried about Himself, but the biggest example is when He carried out the Atonement. Instead of turning in and becoming consumed in the agony, he TURNED OUT, He worried about the one guard’s ear that the Apostle Peter cut off as they tried to take Him away, He worried about His mother and making sure she was taken care of in the event of His death, He worried about doing missionary work with the thieves hanging next to Him while on the cross, and lastly, He worried about the salvation of those who condemned Him to His death saying “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

I have faith with all of my soul that the Lord has called us to do His work; to love, to serve, and to bring others closer to Christ. I have faith that the gift of tongues is real and that we all can have access to the many gifts of the Spirit. I know with all of my being that our Savior Jesus Christ lives and that we have loving Heavenly Parents constantly watching over us, reaching out to us, and loving us more than we can ever fathom. REACH OUT, and LET THEM IN.

With love for you all,
Alger Nővér

This is my companion Tyler Nővér at dinner on our first day at the MTC 

This is one of the GORGEOUS murals in the newest MTC buildings, there are tons of them! 

This is me on the morning of my second day at the MTC, I realized I hadn’t taken a pic with my missionary tag yet!

This is our first district photo! Here’s everyone from left to right:
McAffee Elder, Strobel Elder, Gibbons Elder, Zirker Elder, Eggers Elder, Robertson Nővér, McCormick Nővér, Me, Tyler Nővér, Wilson Elder, Allred Elder
The next two is of the Nővérek (sisters) in my district! They are awesome!!

This is the Missionary Purpose in Magyar (Hungarian)

This is 3 Nefi 30:2 in A Mormon Kӧnyve, it’s one of the craziest verses in the BoM, it’s even a bit of a struggle for our instructors!  Squire Testvér says, "Read this verse everyday and it'll do wonders!" It's got CRAZY long words, and every vowel and vowel combination is used!

Our district in front of the gorgeous Parting of the Red Sea mural

Robertson Nővér had these weird jewelry things and she didn’t know what they were for,
 I figured it out… heheh

All the Nővérek joined in!

the Nővérek

Squire Testvér, and Hopwood Nővér taking a selfie with our district!

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