There are less than three weeks until I arrive at the Hungary, Budapest airport! But who’s counting?? This week seems to have been the most spiritually inspiring and uplifting yet. The schedule is practically the same every day, yet the state of my heart and mind are continually shifting. I was talking with the sisters in my district last night (McCormick Novér, Robertson Novér, and my companion Tyler Novér) and they said that it seems to get harder everyday to write in their personal journals. They feel that it’s the same everyday! I expressed that the schedules are consistent for sure but for me, the feelings, thoughts, and emotions I experience each day are so different! That’s why I can’t seem to stop writing in my journal. The way I connect with others and with the Spirit is different everyday. Honestly, I think those things are the most important anyway! I like to capture the little moments or quotes throughout the day that touch my heart, or have an impact on me. It is so important to be able to record each detail that stands out, because in the future we will be able to go back to them and REMEMBER. We are forgetful creatures, and when we face difficult or trying times, we need to remember the moments we felt and understood the Spirit. We need to remember the times we went through difficulties and overcame them and more! Through record keeping we can better preserve our testimonies, and keep our most sacred experiences close to our hearts. We will be able to touch the lives of those who come after us! Most importantly, we will be able to show God how precious His influence in our lives is and that we can be trusted with more.
As I feel I have mentioned before, something I’ve been focusing on in the MTC is recognizing the Spirit’s promptings and understanding how God speaks to me individually. I have come to know even more so of the importance of intentionally carving out time for spiritual renewal daily. This is why exact obedience to mission rules and schedules is so vital (and this applies to the commandments and simple truths of God)! Being diligent, organized, and meaningful in each gospel study allows for the Spirit to be with us stronger than before. As we invite the Spirit into our lives, we must be willing to act at the first prompting with NO HESITATION. At times the impressions we receive may seem odd or silly, but rationalizing or over thinking will only cause doubt. If you feel impressed to do good, it is of God! I’m sure we all have heard something like “There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone.” While I love that quote, I have recently heard another spin on that subject that touched me in a new way: “Get out of your comfort zone and get into the Comforter’s zone.” Wow, does that change the whole perspective! It creates a focus on Christ in this matter. Following the guidance of the Spirit can lead to discomfort at times, but if we remember to reach out of ourselves --out of our comfort zone-- and into the Comforter’s zone, His arms will be wrapped around us in support. The discomfort we feel in this life no longer matters when we are centered on Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something! We cannot try to be invisible to the world and truly serve the Lord simultaneously. Lastly, it is essential to write down impressions and experiences as they’re fresh! “Knowledge recorded is knowledge available in times of need.” -- Michelle D. Craig.
My challenges to you:
1. Read the October 2007 General conference talk "O Remember, Remember" by Henry B. Eyring on this topic, it is incredible. It is helping me in my pursuit of the Spirit and I know it will do the same for you.
2. As you come across difficulties or struggles, ask this of yourselves: “Do I have faith in Jesus Christ?” In the end, that is what matters. Have faith and rely on Him. This is His work and what He wants to get done will happen. In relation to this, I have learned that the gift of tongues is not necessarily the gift to be able to say what I want to say, but what the Lord wants me to say. He knows what His children need. As I work to bring the Hungarian people closer to Him, and open my mouth, He will fill it with the words that they need to hear. Success is measured by diligence and dedication to the Lord, not by how you feel about the outcomes, or lack thereof.
Szeretlek titeket!
Alger Novér
-- Sister Alger
We were on a rooftop doing a Book of Mormon and testimony share
and Tyler Novér decided to take pics (:
I was cold, so I was saying my morning prayer under my blankets… maybe not such a good idea because my companion found me asleep like this!
I had to restart my prayer standing up and facing the cold, heheh.
We needed to have a picture with all of the district and our teachers! We hadn’t gotten one with Durney Testver yet. He’s all the way on the right. We LOVE our teachers!
This is a view from the 4th floor of the T4 building on Sunday morning when Tyler Novér
and I were doing personal study before sacrament meeting.
Cute Tyler Novér looking through her notes in personal study.
I was trying to get a picture of the board and this is what happened heheh
Silly Allred Elder and Robertson Novér
My companion and I were so happy on our way to the Sunday night devotional,
we wanted to take a picture! I love Tyler Novér (:
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